A few years ago, I had a dream, I can now see that dream starting to come true, over the past year the punk explosion in the Mutha City has lead to the Cape Town scene rapidly becoming the biggest in the country. Cape Town has always been a city rich in diverse cultures, and because of this we've grown accustomed to the acceptance and tolerence of others, their beliefs and their differences, this has set the perfect foundation for a peaceful united underground coming together as one in the name of punk. The MuthaCityPunx Website was made by MuthaCityPunx for MuthaCityPunx, it's purpose is firstly to help the development of the MuthaCityPunx scene in any way, and secondly to share the MuthaCityPunx experience with the rest of the world. If you have any info regarding gigs, bands, events, gossip... etc, or you can think of any way we could improve this site, please email us.

This site was designed by Jimmy Pop